Friday, March 12, 2010

Do You Like the New Term I Coined for Democratic Party Flip Flops? It Certainly Fits their Character.?

I watch John Kerry flip-flopping his way through the entire last presidential election with his idiotic statements like "I was for it before I was against it' and even afterwards where he told college studedns that only stupid people wind up in the military, then he had to flip-flop all over the place when people called him on his anti-American statements. It was a form of political suicide.

Now Harry Reid is doing the exact same thing. He made the statement That the war is lost. When he saw the backlash that got him, he immediately started flip-flopping all over like a choking fish out of water because he knows that he's committing political suicide.

So now, when a democrat says something stupid like these two bozos and then starts flip-flopping when they see that their future is going down in flames, we can just refer to it as committing:


Do you like that?

Do You Like the New Term I Coined for Democratic Party Flip Flops? It Certainly Fits their Character.?
Two Thumbs! Way up! Where The Hell have you been? Hope this finds you doing well.
Reply:when you're given half the question and half the answer you can make anything seem the way you want it to. If you cared to investigate the whole questions and the whole answers Kerry gave you would have found quite a bit more consistency than the Bushaganda said. With Reid, when the enemy walks into your most secure zone and blows himself up, that doesn't sound like victory to me, well, except the enemy probably would.

Now, if anyone earned the name "flip flop" it's McCain. remember when he was dead set against Bush and his war policies but now he's right bed with Georgie. He's done a complete turn around.
Reply:6 days, 6 weeks, I doubt 6 months...
Reply:"I do not believe nation building is an appropriate use of our military".

~George Bush, 1999
Reply:Awesome Line!!!
Reply:nice, like a glove.
Reply:I like the term "committing a Guiliani" better.

He's the ultimate in flip-floppers...
Reply:You mean like how there were WMD's and now there aren't any? You mean like how global warming isn't real and now it is?

Or like how bush was against nation building, but now is for it?

Or maybe like that time that Bush said that Iraq was linked to 9/11 and then changed his mind and said that it wasn't?

Oh yeah, and remember that time when Bush said that He wanted Bin Laden dead or alive.. but then later on said that he didn't care about him? That was a good one.

The one I like best is when BUsh opposed creating the 9/11 comission, and then changed his mind and decided to support it.

Should I keep going??

yeah I thought so
Reply:You need to fit "Romney" in there somewhere, he's the biggest flopper on the planet.


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