Sunday, March 14, 2010

Tell me if youve ever heard this one....ITs as bad as John Kerrys flip flops.?

Bush haters tell you Bush is the mastermind of 9/11 but will flip flop and tell you hes a moron. HUH

Tell me if youve ever heard this one....ITs as bad as John Kerrys flip flops.?
You could tell from the deer-in-the-headlights look he had sitting in that classroom when he was told about the planes crashing into the Twin Towers that he had no clue about what was going on or even how to react. So whoever says he was the mastermind of 9/11 is misguided.

He does, however, seem to fall into the "Moron" category.
Reply:Bush a master mind?!?!? HA HA HA HA


That moron can't even wipe his own a$$ himself, much less plan something like 911. He can't even get off his damn plane without tripping!
Reply:You are missing the whole point, as usual ,instead of asking who all was involved? what are the unresolved questions concerning 9/11? you and people like you betray America!..why cant you get that through your heads?
Reply:They also call him uneducated - he just graduated from Yale with a higher GPA than Kerry. Talk about hypocrites!
Reply:power corrupts,, absolute power,, corrupts absolutely
Reply:His buddies are his mind and he always flip flops if you listen close to his remarks and speeches from day one.
Reply:I'll have to agree that Bush is a moron. There is no way he could have masterminded the 9/11 disaster.
Reply:You are listening to the far out kooks that even we moderate Democrats don't pay attention to. There's probably about 2% of the Liberals out there that actually buy into the whole conspiracy theory that Bush masterminded 9/11. We know he could never plan something that intricate and precise. I believe he was warned about it and ignored it, but I don't believe he had a hand in planning. That's just absurd, and the Democrats overwhelmingly would agree with me. It's the goofy folks that you pay attention to because they are the ones that FOX likes to focus on. That is what gets their viewers to hate the Liberals. It's a job well done.

they'll say his cronies planned it

edit: lol @ the 'deer in the headlights' reaction to 9/11

Yeah i'll have to say that was a retarded moment for Bush.


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