Sunday, March 14, 2010

Flip Flops. Which side makes the flip sound and which side makes the flop sound?

Should really be called flop flips.When you take your first step the lower side makes the flop sound when it hits the ground. As you take your second step, the flop flip on the foot that took the first step flips up and strikes the heel of your foot making a flipping sound. therefore...flop flip, flop flip.Hope this sets your mind at ease so that you are able to sleep well tonight.

Flip Flops. Which side makes the flip sound and which side makes the flop sound?
What I think from it the definiation that I have read during my computer science class.

"An electronic circuit that alternates between two states. When current is applied, it changes to its opposite state (0 to 1 or 1 to 0). Made of several transistors, it is used in the design of static memories and hardware registers."
Reply:nope i think flip is foot up and flop is foot on ground sound.

Reply:i havnt worn mine all winter . but i'm going w/ the same side for both ... when it hits your heel / foot :)
Reply:the Flop sound comes from a pocket of air getting trapped between the foot-sole and the top side of the flip flop. (like when you make f4rting sounds with your armpit)

The Flip is the under-side contacting the floor.
Reply:wow,.. you must have alot of time on your hands
Reply:Did you hear about the man with 2 left feet ? He bought a pair of flip-flips ! In a way i guess that answers your question.


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