I have plain brown flip flops that i want to make cute and fun. Any ideas?
How do you fix a boring pair of flip flops to make them adorable?
you can paint the sides and put a bow the top. i did two different colors and everyone teases that's how i keep left and right separate
Reply:you can always hot glue a pretty fake flower to them.
how about beads, buttons, glitter paints? use your imagination!
Reply:My stepdaughter took a plain black pair of cheapos and wrapped a polka dot ribbon around the straps. They turned out really cute. I think she used a glue gun to adhere it.
Another idea would be those little gemstones with the flat side. You might be able to take a plain pair with wide straps and glue them on. I wouldn't recommend doing anything like the Bedazzler though. The grommet on the underside of the strap would probably wear a blister on the top of your foot.
Reply:hot glue gun
any thing you want to stick stick it
oriental trading company has cute ideas and all the supplies!
Reply:Hot glue silk flowers, costume jewels or other items to the straps. Or cut strips of interesting fabric and knot around the straps to make fluffy flip flops.
Reply:throw a hollister seagull on em
or buy the actual hollister ones
only like 15 bucks
Reply:where them strapped to yoru chest and act adorably retarded.
Reply:-tie a bow on them!!
-glue feathers on them (becareful if you have a cat cause when i did that my cat was attacking my feet!!)
-this one girl hot glued those cotton ball thingys (the ones that you buy at a craft store) to the soles of her flip flops
Reply:paint your nails, wear toe rings and an anklet- thank goodness your flip flops are plain!
Reply:maybe hot or super glue different shades of brown beads onto the part that goes around the top of your foot... just an idea
thats a good link
Reply:Go to michaels or an arts and crafts store and buy some gems or flowers to glue them to your flipflops for a summer look. Try using a glue gun to glue them on or strong clue.
Reply:glue, beads, wire,silk flowers, etc...Michaels hobby and crafts, Hobby Lobby, A.C. Moore or JoAnn's (fabrics and hobbies)
Reply:Add somme bling on the side of the slippers. Thats what i do and they look fine to me.
Reply:theres special flip flop decor. in some stores.
Reply:Lion Brand yarn has a number of simple ways to decorate flip-flops with yarn:
I saw some of the ones with the fun fur recently at a garage sale and they were darling.
Reply:Try sewing on cloth roses or glueing on glitter or sequins, that will really spark them up. You could also dye them a really cool colour, or have a go at painting the heel bit different colours. Put your creative thinking hat on.
Reply:get puffy paint and tagg it all over ;]
Reply:beaded trim
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