Saturday, October 24, 2009

What is better for an obese person to wear? Flip flops, clogs, shoes, or bare feet?

I am referring to myself, of course. I am 22, weigh 315 pounds, and am 6'0". I have recently been diagnosed as obese and have had flat feet for quite some time now. After being on my feet for a while, they naturally hurt and would like to know what would be better for me to wear. Flip flops, clogs, shoes (sneakers, "boat" shoes, etc), or just go barefoot (when I can)?

What is better for an obese person to wear? Flip flops, clogs, shoes, or bare feet?
Good for you on losing weight!! i am working on losing weight too. I want to lose about 40-50 pounds. Anyhow, the most comfortable would be sneakers. They hold your feet in, and they have more cushion. I would go with sneakers. Hope I helped! good luck on the weight loss!
Reply:clogs or crocs.
Reply:I am quite obese too and also flat footed. I feel best in sports shoes with added ortho pads to help with my flat foot. Hope this helps.
Reply:you should wear shoes and buy some foot arch saporters and put them in your shoes
Reply:If you are flat-foot do not wear flip-flops, they don't offer much support so if you don't have an arch don't wear them. You need to buy sneakers, a friend of mine has a flat-foot and he finds DC's to be very comfortable. Just try some shoes on and see what ones are the most supportive and comfortable but also try to find some that are stylish of course. I hope you succeed in all your goals!

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