Sunday, October 11, 2009

What is the point of wearing flip flops?

Ok, I don't particularly like flip flops but the noise is so annoying. Anyone else agree?

What is the point of wearing flip flops?
they keep your feet from getting dirty on the bottom. and they're quick and comfy and go with everything. lol
Reply:I prefer going barefot myself. Flipflops are good for going into a restaurant and kicking them off under the table.Just enough of a shoe to not get yelled at for not wearing shoes.
Reply:keeping your feet from touching ground!!
Reply:I like flip flops because they let my toes If you wear them long enough you will forget about the noise!
Reply:they are great in the summer time, when its hot. those ugly sandals don't do the trick. Flip flops let your feet breath and there cute. The noise doesn't really bother me. Flip flops are the symbol for summer. you see a flip flop and you think of summer, beaches, bathing suits, and fun. Flips flops are the American shoe.

God bless
Reply:They don't make sound in the sand
Reply:i like wearing flip flops because they are easy to put on and take off and keep my feet cool and the same time. the noise does not bother me.
Reply:Comfort and ease. It's a little annoying, but so is chewing with mouth open and snapping fingernails, talking on the cellphone in inappropriate places, 2 way stereos blasting so we all have to be assaulted...the list goes on. If you get pissed about all that life is misery.

peeling skin sunburn

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